Storm Water Management
The Madison District Schools is committed to practicing sound storm water management practices and to observance and adherence to all local, state and federal storm water polices to the greatest extent possible.
Madison District Public Schools’ Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and Storm Water Management Plan are provided below for public comments. If you have any comments on the District’s permit SWMP, please submit them to the District’s consultant, via email:
Winter 2025 Master Rain Gardener Class
Live Online!
Become a Master Rain Gardener
LIVE Zoom Classroom with In-Person Tours
Five Thursdays, Jan 30 - Feb 27, 2025.
Class 10am – Noon. Office hours 9-10am. Small discussion groups.
In-person Rain Garden Tour: Saturday, February 1, 1:00-2:30.
$89 early bird rate ($150 after Jan. 15)
Winter Class Registration here
Water Resources Commission New Soil Erosion Control and Stormwater Standards Manuals
March 18, 2025 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Register Today at:
COST: FREE | Registration Required for Zoom link.
The Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s (WRC) Office has released updated manuals for both the new Soil Erosion Control and Stormwater Design Standards. Join WRC staff and consultants for this Special Edition Planners Gathering as they review the new standards and manuals—providing an overview of the changes that will impact local development.
NOTE: This session will be recorded and available at
Spring 2025 Master Rain Gardener Class
Manchester District Library
912 City Rd, Manchester, MI 48158
Fridays April 4,11,18,25 and May 2, 2025.
Class 1:00-3:30, office hours 12:00-1:00
Outdoor Rain Garden tours times TBD.
Spring Class Registration here
Report Activities Causing Water Pollution
Oakland County’s 24-Hour Pollution Hotline
Play a part in keeping our lakes, rivers, and streams clean. Report activities that are causing water pollution.
What kind of activities should you report?
- Contamination to lakes, rivers, and streams
- Pollution entering a storm drain or surface water
- Suspicious dumping to drains and/or surface waters
- Suspicious discharges from pipes
- Large numbers of dead fish
- Construction site soil erosion entering surface waters
- Polluted stormwater runoff from storage piles and dumpsters
Please provide the following information when you call:
- Your name and phone number (you can remain anonymous if you choose)
- The source of pollution and what was spilled
- Quantity of spill
- Body of water impacted
- When the spill occurred
- Major crossroads of spill or known address
For more information, visit the County website at:
Ways You Can Help
- When visiting our local parks, remember - DO NOT FEED THE WATERFOWL!
- Feeding waterfowl compromises their natural ability to forage in the wild and may also attract a concentration of wildlife beyond the capacity of the habitat. Plus, waterfowl waste contains high levels of E. coli bacteria, the kind that pollutes beaches.
- Never dump anything down a storm drain or catch basin, including: litter, leaves, grass clippings, fertilizer, or oil. Remember - ONLY RAIN IN THE DRAIN!
Clean Water Act Celebrating 50 Years
MDPS Reports & Plans
Recycling is MANDATORY in Madison Heights.
18 gallon recycling bins and lids can be purchased for $20.00 at the Department of Public Services (801 Ajax Drive). For more information click HERE.
Proper Medication Disposal for Water Quality
Never place expired or unused prescription medications down a toilet or sink, where they can enter our drinking water supply. Drop them off at Madison Heights Police Department (280 W. Thirteen Mile Rd) during normal business hours.
Pharmaceuticals must adhere to the following:
- Prescription drugs only
- No needles
- All liquids must be tightly sealed
- All other drugs must be in sealed containers
Expired or unused prescriptions or over the counter medications can also be dropped off at Meijer Pharmacy #222, located at 1005 E. Thirteen Mile Road.
For more information on proper medical waste disposal, visit the Operation Medicine Cabinet website at
Clinton River Watershed Council
Michigan RV Dump Stations
Waterfront Wisdom: Healthy Habits for Clean Water
Household Hazardous Waste Information
For more information about protecting our water, please visit